The box was fairly large which made my imagination soar, what ever could it be.
When I finally got the signing done for the parcel and into the house I immediately grabbed the box cutter and started tearing at it. The box when opened was full of styrofoam popcorn pellets and items wrapped in bubble wrap. When I opened the first item I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a silver sugar bowl, the next piece was the creamer, then the teapot, then the coffee pot and finally on the bottom was the tray.
I was ecstatic, I just couldn't believe it. The set is just beautiful, something I would never in a million years buy for myself.
When I got to speak to him to thank him he told me that this was in place of my grandmothers set that I was supposed to get. Apparently her set was in such terrible condition that it really could not be brought back to even somewhat close to the original condition. So here I am with a beautiful silver tea and coffee set . A wonderful surprise and a very special gift from one of my brothers... I think I'll keep him!
A very lovely and loving gift from your brother...a silver service wrapped in golden memories. How special for you!